The Lava Lamp

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The copy I have of The Catcher In The Rye is getting quite dirty, and it was really bugging me. So this morning I decided to put one of my book covers on it, and so now I do not have to look at the smudges on the cover. The smudges look like they were made from pencil, but I dunno how they go there. My night stand does not have any pencils near it, and I keep it in a safe place inside my bag when I take the book to school. I mean don't get me wrong, I like used books a lot, but I just don't like making new books look used. I am even bothered when I am forced to write in a book for school (all though I usually get around that.) I dunno why, but it just feels wrong to write in a book. So today everyone was admiring my book cover. I actually was reading this morning when we had those speakers come and talk to us. I really enjoyed having extra time to read. lol!
Yesterday was a blast! I actually job shadowed a teacher (just for kicks I will call him mr. x) at one of the middle schools we have here. In the morning I went over to Starbucks and bought a frap for me, and a coffee for the teacher I was shadowing. When I first got there the first thing I got to do was copy papers. Oh how lovely that is! lol! Now I know why a lot of teachers dislike coping papers, although they are probably more experienced with the copier then I am. I think the copier jammed about 5 times, but I finally finished the job. And then I went back to the class room, and I had to empty jars of sand. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, because the kids were taking a test, but I kept clanking the jars together while I was moving them to the dishwasher. So after all that was done I went over to the library and hung out there until everyone was done with their tests. I then went to some classroom (because mr. x was on his prep), but I had no idea what the heck they were doing, and so after that class was finished I went down to the cafeteria, where my mom works. I had lunch with all of the ladies down there, and then went back to the mr. x's room. The classes were now in session, and I was able to see what mr. x's class was working on. Like I said, I had a blast! These kids were so awesome! I was able to help them, and give them some ideas of how they could approach some of the questions they were given. The time flew by! After that class was dismissed, everyone went to lunch, so I had to go help in the cafeteria. I didn't do much, but I already know that I am not fit to be a cafeteria lady. lol! After lunch I ran into one of the teachers that I new from middle school, and I told him that I was shadowing. He asked if I wanted to be a teacher, and I told him that I may want to be an English teacher. And then I was able to scoot on over to mr. x's room again. That was the last class of the day, and probably the most quite class I have ever seen. So I just walked around a bit, and passed out some papers. I couldn't read the name on one of the papers, and so I asked mr. x and he shouted the name out. The kid came up to me and said I had insulted him. I thought that was kinda funny though. So to make a long story short, I really had a terrific time there, but I wish the day would have lasted a bit longer. Ha, I didn't think I would ever say that about school! lol!


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