The Lava Lamp

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

la la la

Nothing much to speek of today. There hasn't been anything worth writing about in here for awhile. lol! I have been writing my persuassive essay, and it hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be. Tomorrow I am probably going to give my speech, which I am not at all excited about giving. But there are only two more days untill spring break!! yes! It is nice thinking about having a week off of school. Although, there won't be a dance class next week, which is kinda sad. At first I wasn't sure this whole team thing would work out, but everyone seems to be enjoying it. The sad part is is that school doesn't want to have anything to do with it. But that is a whole different story. Hopefully I will be able to start reading The Da Vinci Code over spring break. I have been so busy that I haven't finished reading Wicked yet. Hmm maybe I will go finish it real quick. I should have finished it a long time ago, but better late then never....I guess. Well, I am gonna go do something. ttyl!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Something New!

Check this out! I was just at Borders a little bit ago, and I stumbled on this new gadget. New things always amaze me, and this one deffinatly does that! I bet I could listen to one of these things during study hall, and possibly get away with it. I used to listen to tapes before. The summer was always the best time for that. And I have rented audio books on cd as well, and I still prefer tapes over cds. But using this new device would mean no scratches, and it will always work. It does take AA batteries, but that isn't a big deal. The prices aren't to overwelming either. Most were $40-$50. Which is about the same as a lot of the audio books. I don't see how people could rent these from the library in the future, but I guess you never know. The bad part is is that you have to keep buying the same stuff. You can't just buy one set, and then switch off from different books. That was the big problem for me. This item is much similar to having an audio book on an ipod. Although, this thing has many advantages to it I don't know how well it will sell.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Not to much has happened, but I feel that I should just post anway. And I think this journal has been kinda lonley. lol!